Monday, October 25, 2010

Health Benefits Of Seeds

I never considered eating Chia Seeds until I received a free sample after purchasing some pumpkin seeds.

While investigating the advantages of eating Chia Seeds, I learned from Dr. Oz that Hemp Seeds are also a good seed to eat. Heck, I didn't even know that it was legal to purchase and eat Hemp Seeds.

So, I decided to write this little blog highlighting the health benefits of seeds.

Chia Seeds

These seeds are actually a good source of dietary fiber and omega-3 fatty acids. These seeds actually have more omega-3 fatty acids than Flax seeds.

These seeds can be stored for a long period of time without becoming rancid, and don't have to be ground like flax seed. Like most seeds, they are a good mineral source as well.

When soaked in water, the seeds become gelatinous, which can be used to thicken foods.

Additional Info On The Health Benefits Of Chia Seeds

Hemp Seeds

No, you won't get high on these seeds.

These seeds are the highest of any plant in essential fatty acids. They are also an excellent source of a complete protein, since they contain all eight essential amino acids. Consider eating the hulls by grinding these seeds, since the hulls contain most of the mineral content of this seed.

Additional Info On The Health Benefits Of Hemp Seeds


This seed is high in omega-3 fatty acids. However, the seed must be ground to absorb the omega-3. It is also a good source of fiber.

This seed does not store well. Store in an air tight container in the refrigerator to prevent spoilage.

Additional Info On The Health Benefits Of Flaxseeds


Yes , buckwheat is a fruit seed.

One of the reasons that I started eating buchwheat pancakes is because it is a good source of selenium. In addition, it has all 8 essential amino acids, and has more fiber than oatmeal. It is high in flavonoids, especially rutin.

Additional Info On The Health Benefits Of Buckwheat

Sesame Seeds

These seeds are an excellent source of copper, calcium and vitamin B1. Copper is necessary for tissue repair and energy metabolism. This seed is easy to store and is eaten whole. I also like the flavor.

Additional Info On The Health Benefits Of Sesame Seeds

Sunflower Seeds

These seeds are one of the best sources of Vitamins E, B1, B5 and folate. It is also a good source of selenium. It is also rich in phytosterols that help lower cholesterol.

It is available year round, easy to store and tasty.

Additional Info On The Health Benefits Of Sunflower Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds

These seeds may help prevent prostate problems, such as BPH. It is also a good source of zinc for prostate and bone health.

This seed is also a good source of phytosterols to reduce cholesterol. It is available year round, and easy to store.

Additional Info On The Health Beneftis Of Pumpkin Seeds

Remember that a proper diet in combination with an exercise program is essential for good health. Click on for exercise ideas.

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