Friday, November 18, 2011

10 Ways To Live A Shorter Life

If you want to live a shorter life than average, these are 10 ways to help you achieve your goal:

Smoke As Often As Possible

If you smoke frequently, you can cut as much as 7 years from your lifespan. Even if you are 65 years old, you can still cut as much as 2 years from your lifespan if you start smoking now.

Eat Only Foods High In Saturated Fat

Eating fast food as often as possible can increase your chances of developing cardiovascular disease and cancer. This will help you achieve your goal to reduce the length of you life.

Be As Sedentary As Possible

Living an inactive life can reduce your lifespan by as much as 2 to 4 years.

Strive To Be Extremely Overweight

Being overweight can increase your chance of dying young by 20 to 40 percent. Strive to increase your body mass index over 30 to decrease your lifespan by as much as 4 years.

Develop Poor Dental Hygiene

Not brushing your teeth and flossing can help you reduce your lifespan by as much as 6 years. Developing periodontitis and gingivitis can increase your chances of an early death by 25 to 45 percent.

Never Take A Break From Work

Being a workaholic can decrease your lifespan by 2 years. So keep slaving away to help you die an early death.

Develop Early Dementia With An Unhealthy Lifestyle

By being inactive combined with an unhealthy diet can lead to early onset of dementia. This will help you decrease your lifespan by as much as 2 years.

Snack On Salty, Sugary and Fatty Junk Food

Eating these unhealthy snacks and staying away foods like fresh fruits can help you reduce your lifespan by 2 to 6 years.

Sleep As Little As Possible

Not sleeping 7 to 8 hours a night will help you reduce your lifespan by more than 2 years.

Stop Having Sex

Having less sex can reduce your lifespan by 3 to 8 years.

There you go. The 10 best ways to die young.


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